is a project of the Freedom 22 Foundation and is meant as a general model of websites jurisdictions can develop to ensure safety, reduce conflict, build cooperation, and protect children in family cases. For more information (and help on your jurisdiction’s website), feel free to contact us at
This website comes with no claim that it’s the best or final word on better ways to handle family cases or the difficult family transitions within them. We hope your jurisdiction can take these ideas, use what you think can help, and then move above and beyond this model to create even better resources.
But we do believe one of the most seriously underutilized resources for families in transition (or with other law-related challenges) is the voices of knowledgeable judges.
And we have no doubt judges, bar leaders, and other family professionals committed to serving families better should have the assistance of what every successful commercial undertaking has today: a widely advertised, attractive, and intuitive website the public can turn to for direction.
A website, of course, is only one valuable resource that can help families steer in better directions in trying times. For instance, as shown on the Your Judges’ Videos page, another resource can be the circulation of judges’ messages through public service announcements.
A fuller picture of measures progressive jurisdictions can consider is found at, an opportunity for your bench and bar to review your family law system and consider changes you think helpful. We hope you will invite your entire family bench and bar to complete their confidential assessments on—and then discuss any improvements you think beneficial.
We eagerly welcome all comments. Feedback can be submitted (1) by email to or (2) by use the Feedback Link on
We wish you great success and satisfaction in your service to the families in your communities.